How to Lose/Gain Weight Meal prep, food fun, simple exercises, discipline, supplements, and more
How to Lose/Gain Weight. Meal prep, food fun, simple exercises, discipline, supplements, and more with personal trainer and coach Niccole Florence at Fitt Niccs Body Shop @fittnicc

Time & Location
2022年3月21日 18:00 – 19:00 GMT-7
About the Event
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Al Wooten Jr. Youth Center
March is National Nutrition Month!
Parents and your children and friends are invited to join us for this series of discussions on physical and nutritional health. Join the discussions and change your life and your family's life forever! Missed one? Videos will be available at For more info, call our office at (323) 756-7203.
"Physical and Nutritional Health with Coach Fittnicc"
About Our Presenter:
Niccole Florence weighed 200 pounds when she launched Fitt Niccs Body Shop in 2006. Her personal journey eating healthy and staying active led to a weight loss of 67 pounds in eight months and ultimately to bodybuilding competitions. Coach Niccole is a mom and Christian who sees her work as a personal trainer as a ministry to serve others. Visit her on FB or IG at @coach_fittnicc.
March 7 Health Now, Not Later!
Introduction to physical and nutritional health and how to access better foods now
March 14 Food That Can Heal or Harm
How to read nutritional labels and recipes for meals the whole family can eat and enjoy
March 21 How to Lose/Gain Weight
Meal prep, food fun, simple exercises, discipline, supplements, and more
March 28 Setting REAListic Goals
Sample meal and workout plans to stay healthy and active